Time left before I give up
Time left before I give up
99 : 22 : 11 : 54
99 : 22 : 11 : 54
#Day 823 of Being Unnoticed
#Day 823 of Being Unnoticed
A UX designer without a team is just a sad wireframe.
A UX designer without a team is just a sad wireframe.
A UX designer without a team is just a sad wireframe.

#Friends hired before me
#Friends hired before me
Applications sent
Applications sent
Referrals rejected
Referrals rejected
Student debt
Student debt
#Friends hired before me
Applications sent
Referrals rejected
Student debt
Welcome, Recruiter #257
Welcome, Recruiter #257
Before you look at my work take a sneak peek of my life
Before you look at my work take a sneak peek of my life
Before you look at my work take a sneak peek of my life

This fridge hasn't seen groceries since 2023 🥲
This fridge hasn't seen groceries since 2023 🥲

This isn’t a design from my case study, it’s my reality 🫠
This isn’t a design from my case study, it’s my reality 🫠

My dreams are rich, but my meals are... crackers with Ragu and a sprinkle of despair 🤤
My dreams are rich, but my meals are... crackers with Ragu and a sprinkle of despair 🤤

Case Studies for teams I’ll never join.
Case Studies for teams I’ll never join.
Case Studies for teams I’ll never join.
Every pixel here screams, Why haven’t you hired me yet?!
Every pixel here screams, Why haven’t you hired me yet?!
Every pixel here screams, Why haven’t you hired me yet?!

Rejection Tracker: A Platform for Jobless Designers
Rejection Tracker: A Platform for Jobless Designers
Rejection Tracker: A Platform for Jobless Designers
A conceptual app that tracks job applications, ghosted interviews, and rejection emails with motivational features to keep job-seekers going.
A conceptual app that tracks job applications, ghosted interviews, and rejection emails with motivational features to keep job-seekers going.
A conceptual app that tracks job applications, ghosted interviews, and rejection emails with motivational features to keep job-seekers going.
Data Visualization
Data Visualization
Data Visualization
Dashboard Design
Dashboard Design
Dashboard Design

Impulse Buy No More: A UX Solution for Saving Money
Impulse Buy No More: A UX Solution for Saving Money
Impulse Buy No More: A UX Solution for Saving Money
An e-commerce companion app that asks, “Do you really need this?” before checkout. Includes guilt-trap messages like “Save this for rent instead.”
An e-commerce companion app that asks, “Do you really need this?” before checkout. Includes guilt-trap messages like “Save this for rent instead.”
An e-commerce companion app that asks, “Do you really need this?” before checkout. Includes guilt-trap messages like “Save this for rent instead.”
Behavioral UX
Behavioral UX
Behavioral UX
Persuasive Design
Persuasive Design
Persuasive Design

Broke AF: Personal Finance for the Jobless
Broke AF: Personal Finance for the Jobless
Broke AF: Personal Finance for the Jobless
A budgeting app tailored to those living paycheck to paycheck—or without paychecks at all. Features include “sad mode” for lower expectations and motivational notifications like “At least coffee is still affordable.”
A budgeting app tailored to those living paycheck to paycheck—or without paychecks at all. Features include “sad mode” for lower expectations and motivational notifications like “At least coffee is still affordable.”
A budgeting app tailored to those living paycheck to paycheck—or without paychecks at all. Features include “sad mode” for lower expectations and motivational notifications like “At least coffee is still affordable.”
Mobile UX
Mobile UX
Mobile UX
Word on the street
Word on the street
Word on the street
They said it. I’m just here to remind you.
They said it. I’m just here to remind you.
They said it. I’m just here to remind you.

We were impressed by your portfolio, but unfortunately, we’ve decided to move forward with someone else.


Still don’t know what UX is, but I’m sure you’re great at it, honey!


I can’t hear another speech about bad UX anymore
A Journey Through Heartbreak
A Journey Through Heartbreak
A Journey Through Heartbreak
Experience Timeline:
The Big Beginning 🥹
The Big Beginning 🥹
Got into a reputed college for a UX course. Felt like I was on the brink of greatness. Then the pandemic hit. Classes went online, and so did my dreams of networking with industry pros.
Got into a reputed college for a UX course. Felt like I was on the brink of greatness. Then the pandemic hit. Classes went online, and so did my dreams of networking with industry pros.
Graduated full of hope 😇
Graduated full of hope 😇
Finished my degree with big dreams and a portfolio I thought was killer. The future looked bright… I even made business cards!
Finished my degree with big dreams and a portfolio I thought was killer. The future looked bright… I even made business cards!
The Hustle Year 🫠
The Hustle Year 🫠
Built side projects. Redesigned my portfolio 23 times. Learned 3 new design tools recruiters didn’t care about. Sent 200 more applications.
Built side projects. Redesigned my portfolio 23 times. Learned 3 new design tools recruiters didn’t care about. Sent 200 more applications.
The Breaking Point 😭
The Breaking Point 😭
Applications: 387. Interviews: 3. Offers: 0. Nearly considered pivoting to professional dog walking, but I really love design.
Applications: 387. Interviews: 3. Offers: 0. Nearly considered pivoting to professional dog walking, but I really love design.
Still Standing ☠️
Still Standing ☠️
Here I am, pouring my heart into this portfolio for YOU, dear recruiter. Please make this the final chapter of my heartbreak timeline.
Here I am, pouring my heart into this portfolio for YOU, dear recruiter. Please make this the final chapter of my heartbreak timeline.

Save a UX Designer’s Soul Today!
Save a UX Designer’s Soul Today!
Save a UX Designer’s Soul Today!